SURELY GOD DOES set his hand upon his own from birth. As far as I know there were no Christians in my family before I came to faith in Christ in 1967; but from earliest childhood memories I’ve wanted to know God. We talked even before I knew his name – he knew mine and that was the important thing.
Michael introduced me to the Savior. He not only shared his faith with me, he shared his life with me for the next thirty-eight years. "Bunky" was his nickname for me since, after all, we "bunked together" all those years -- my name is Cynthia Cabo Sellers. January 4, 2006, Michael went home – truly home – to be with our Lord. That separation of souls was the most painful experience I could imagine, but through it I’ve seen firsthand how it is that " all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God's all-surpassing love has sustained me and with every new day I see more clearly the purpose for which I’ve been called to remain behind. My work is not yet done.
Following Michael’s death God provided a home for me on five acres adjoining my sister’s property on Little Farm Road. He gave me a home and so much more: a sanctuary for the healing of a broken heart; the beauty of his creation in this Southwest Florida setting; and the love of my family, especially the fun provided by my nine year old niece, Maria, and eight year old nephew, Josh – two little brown berries from Guatemala who live next door.
In December of 2007, upon completion of a forty year career as a legal assistant in the area of estate planning and probate, I took a position as Coordinator of Tours and Talks with ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization), an international Christian ministry offering sustainable farming solutions to missionaries and community development workers helping poor farmers globally. ECHO’s home base and demonstration farm is located about 15 minutes from Little Farm Road.
I will probably never go to the mission field personally, but serving on the Missions Team through my church gives me the opportunity to have a part in God’s work among the nations while offering community service close to home at the center for Visually Impaired Persons of Southwest Florida. I serve as a member of the Board of Directors. My position at the VIP has also afforded me the privilege of speaking with the Adjustment to Blindness support group about my belief that life’s losses can ultimately turn out to be gains.
Since retiring in June of 2009 I’ve been pursuing my pleasure in the craft of writing while earning a Certificate in Biblical Studies through the Moody Bible Institute Continuing Education program. I hope you’ll read “From Grief to Glory” for a glimpse of Little Farm Road and my inspiration to write.
C.S. Lewis
A.W. Tozer
Hannah Whitall Smith
John Piper
David Roper
Fernando Ortega
Alasdair Fraiser (Scottish Fiddler)
Eidolon (Celtic, Folk & Classical)
“Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:5, 6 & 11