Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Opening Post: WORKS OF ART

EVERY LIFE TELLS A STORY; no two are exactly alike. “For we are God’s workmanship...”*

AS GOD'S WORKMANSHIP our lives serve as “works of art.” Each redeemed life, displayed in Earth’s Museum of Art, is designed to showcase the manifold beauty of God’s love in order to draw the onlookers to the real masterpiece, his Son, Jesus Christ, who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.**

GOD DELIGHTS in diversity as witnessed by his creation. It has been said that unity in diversity is more beautiful and more powerful than the unity of uniformity. For example compare the choir singing in unison with the majestic sound of voices performing in harmony. The deep base tones supporting the richness of the tenors blended with the beauty of the altos and crowned with the silver-tongued sopranos. No comparison!

YOUR LIFE, like my own, is unique in God’s eyes. The joys and sorrows etched on the canvas of our personal lives are all shaded differently.

MY STORY is one of love lost. If you’ve read my page, “About Bunky” you know that my husband, Michael, went home to be with the Lord a few years ago. The fabric of our souls had become so intertwined over thirty-eight years of marriage that the separation of them by that dread of all dreads – death – left me reeling. Why hadn’t our days been numbered the same? Who would I be without him? Did I even have a life without Michael? It was so painful losing his love; and yet, in that place of grief, I experienced the all-surpassing love of the Lord as he expressed his merciful comfort to my suffering soul. There he showed me that I’ve remained behind because my work on earth is not complete.

THE LORD’S LOVE continues flowing into my broken heart, filling it to the full. In turn, it's his love which overflows from my heart to others who stand in need of a touch from the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.*** This is how I’ve come to see my own redeemed life as having been designed to showcase the manifold beauty of God’s love – it is his “work of art” in me.  Sorrow is the tool he’s employed to form the image of Christ in me.

I ENCOURAGE YOU to dare and look beneath the surface of your own life to discover there the beautiful “work of art” being formed in you by the Lord’s own hand. What do you see in his “tool belt” for you?

 * Ephesians 2:10
** Hebrews 1:3
*** 2 Corinthians 1:3